What's in a reading?
In a personal or professional reading, we can look at...
Your chart to help you understand where you’re at in your life
Why certain things went the way they did.
What may happen next
please see FAQs for more information about what comes in a session.
This way you get a sense of..
Life purpose and potential options for mission work (the expression of your life purpose)
Current lessons in your personal and professional experiences
Potential timing for important life changes
please see FAQs for more information about what comes in a session.
All readings are based on your questions.
30-Minute readings allow for 3-4 questions. 60-Minute readings allow for 5-6 questions. Read this BEFORE you book so you know what to expect and the kinds of Qs I can answer. -
Readings are done live, via Zoom conference and recorded.
This way, you can ask questions in real-time and have a recording to refer back to. -
To get a recording only:
Please purchase your reading and schedule your recording time in my calendar. Then reply to your confirmation email with your session questions and let me know you'd like a recording. Recorded readings are shorter in length as you are not available to dialogue with me. -
If there are no available sessions to purchase on this page:
Sessions are released on the 1st and 15th of each month and frequently sell out within 2-3 days. If there are no links to purchase a session on this page it is because sessions are sold out at this time. Please join my private list as sessions are often released to this group before the general public. -
If you have never met your twin:
If you've never met your twin, had conversations with them, or been a part of one another's lives -- even at a distance, I will be unable to read for you. I cannot use astrology to confirm if someone is your twin, when you'll get in union or when/if you'll meet. For twins who have met, counterpart's precise birth year, location and date are required for readings. -
Other Qs? See the Frequently Asked Questions list before booking.

30 min
150 US dollars1 hr
240 US dollars

She allowed me to see what I had to do next to be my best
Her calm voice and her intelligence shows through her responses to questions and interpretation of the charts. This makes her reading enjoyable and makes me want to do more. She allowed me to see what I had to do next to be my best and showed me aspects of my situation I hadn’t clearly seen before.

She helped show me what I was not seeing so that I could take action steps in the right direction
She is straightforward and to the point and serves you with the truth! She picks up on subtle nuances about you and your life that are just so spot on. It amazed me how just by looking at my chart she was able to see things about my upbringing and even my parents. Kay validated many things for me regarding areas I feel stuck in in my life and helped me see a light at the end of the tunnel. She helped show me what I was not seeing so that I could take action steps in the right direction which is exactly what I needed. Do it!!! Kay’s insights are so helpful and real. She will really open your eyes up to different perspectives and possibilities and how to implement the changes needed to get to where you want to be.

She confirmed my deep knowings...and she offered helpful insight for timelines
I found that I harvested the most by asking specific questions, rather than vague or broad. I’m super impressed with your ability to see what’s happening on a very real, detailed & objective perspective. She confirmed my deep knowings...and she offered helpful insight for timelines, navigation tips and the areas of self-growth I can step into. I felt like I was talking with a best friend. Her style is very approachable, comfortable and real.

Insight is priceless
The reading was eye opening and accurate. The insight is priceless. The struggles each of us have were described in great detail so I could understand them better. The information was very clear. I enjoyed the reading very much.

She reassured me everything I’ve been through is for good reason and I'm not going crazy
You would be surprised about what you can learn from Kay's readings. You have nothing to lose and knowledge and guidance to gain. She reassured me that everything that I have been going through and feeling is for good reason and that I'm not going crazy! Thank you for that! I like how confident and knowledgeable she is. She is also very caring and truthful. Thank you for being straight forward!

Debbie N
The most helpful thing she shared was the fact that nothing is written in stone
She is such a tender soul and her style of bringing across the messages is very soothing and made me feel understood and cared for. The most helpful thing she shared was the fact that nothing is written in stone, self love is the key to life. If you are not open to be shown the truth you are not open to embrace who you are…

The Tarot Cafe
She's tactfully direct about the challenges which is important.
Get a reading! So that you can be equipped to live life to the fullest (highest potential timeline). I loved her clarity and answer style. She managed to describe situations, characteristics succinctly. We spoke about integrity, balance, self empowerment, financial opportunities...and she has a very balanced view on many matters. She doesn't sweeten her words, she's tactfully direct about the challenges which is important.

The thing that was most helpful that Kay shared was she knew how I was feeling
I had many readings from other astrologers but I have to say Kay tops them all. She’s right to the point and extremely knowledgeable! The thing that was most helpful that Kay shared was she knew how I was feeling especially with my energy levels. Kay is very confident and has a friendly approach that puts me at ease

This was an eye-opener but has also given some ray of hope
Kay explained everything slowly and carefully, I'm new to astrology so needed some explanation. She explained how important certain placements are and how it affects our lives. She's so caring and compassionate and defo knows her stuff, well connected. Thank you for an absolutely awesome reading, it was an eye-opener but has also given some ray of hope and the incentive to move forward also. THANK YOU K. God Bless You xx

I got extreme insight into my connection and K gave me an understanding of the clear path ahead for the next 3 years. It was great! She also told me what I need to watch out for.

She helped me see exactly where I am currently and helped to define my life lesson
Her knowledge of astrology and her explanations of what I was seeing. She helped me see exactly where I am currently and helped to define my life lesson. She shared truths of my current situation and helped to clarify my path. You can’t go wrong with a reading from Kay. She knows her stuff and she’s easy to understand and to talk with. I enjoyed being able to talk with her as we went along. It was not only informative but it was fun as well.

I liked her honesty and that she understood
Thank you so much, you are amazing, the way you showed me what needs to be healed, but also the way you made me realize the work I had already done, it's just amazing, when we are always hearing all the things that we need to do, sometimes we forget what we already did. I liked her honesty and that she understood what I was saying, and what I am going through.

It is very comforting to know my core nature, potentials, strength and karmic lessons
The most helpful part in this reading is to know what works best for me, which is to follow my passion, authenticity (being spiritual) and build dreams around it along with others because I will most thrive in this dynamic. It is very comforting to know my core nature, potentials, strength and karmic lessons if any via my natal chart. Go with your gut feeling and get a reading because it won't hurt to get one, and the takeaway might be priceless and transformational. There is nothing to lose in this case, not to mention that Kay is very on point with her readings.

Melody C
Kay read my children's natal charts and was spot on in detail and accuracy.
Kay read my children's natal charts and was spot on in detail and accuracy. She helped me see where I am on the right track raising them, and where they could use additional support and love from me. Kay highlighted specific challenges my children may face and what I can do to help support them and guide them through those challenges. The natal readings K did for my girls was immensely helpful in preparing me to help my kids in the future. Seeing their particular strengths and challenges from a "higher" level really helped refocus me on my role as their mother and how I can best show up for them. Basically, 5 years therapy rolled up in a 1 hour reading!

Heidi V
I didn’t need to have any prior knowledge about astrology charts - she explained everything in a way that was easy to understand
I loved that I didn’t need to have any prior knowledge about astrology charts - she explained everything in a way that was easy to understand. K Moon was able to answer my questions regarding where my partner and I are with karmic lessons, timing & gave me the clarity I needed to move forward, as well as validation of what I had intuited myself. She combines your charts with her intuitive abilities to bring a much clearer picture of what is happening.

Every last detail resonated
I am nearly speechless. Every last detail resonated. I can't thank you enough. I feel the need to "digest" what you said because I feel so in shock! She has given me such an incredible gift through this reading; so much insight, and wisdom.

The reading confirmed what my own intuition had been pushing
I loved the fact that she can put everything she saw in the chart into practical everyday examples. The reading confirmed what my own intuition had been pushing on me and shared something her own intuition picked up on that I hadn't made a connection to. Definitely GET A READING... the realizations I have had after the fact have been great!!

I enjoy Kay's calm voice and the way she delivers direct and insightful information
It was all helpful, but Kay shared with me some things regarding my spiritual abilities and how I can bring them to the physical, that I should trust in that and use my intuition and focus to help this happen. I enjoy Kay's calm voice and the way she delivers direct and insightful information.

Honestly, it was exactly what I needed to hear. I enjoyed how tailored it is to whatever you’re needing to learn or find out
My reading was powerful and resonant. I personally would have liked to learn more about each of the astrological points that signalled certain insights, but that may have to do with my own interests in astrology. Honestly, it was exactly what I needed to hear. Her insights about my career and my intuition were very powerful. A lot of what she told me was very personal and felt very resonant. Kay was very specific within the reading! She really speaks to you, and really pays attention to what you’re saying and what you’re asking. She brought so many insights to the reading, and has a lot of knowledge in reading the chart. She was very fast as well in seeing the message the chart has for you. I also really enjoyed how tailored it is to whatever you’re needing to learn or find out.

She helped me understand that if I don't take this time to explore my own desires I will keep experiencing the same unsatisfying loop
It definitely was a therapy session for me. Emotions came out that were unexpected. I'm guessing because she can really see what is real and what has been true in your life. For me her reading was a validation of what I was already feeling. And her voice is unconditional love and no judgement. It was like speaking to a girlfriend for advice. She helped me understand that if I don't take this time in my life to explore my own desires that I will keep experiencing the same unsatisfying loop over and over again in my life. Maybe that's why the number 8 keeps appearing an infinity of the same thing over and over if I don't learn my lessons to move forward. The Universe doesn't care about time, but you should if this life is meant to be fulfilling for you now.

No sugar coating
I loved that there was No sugar coating! I appreciate her honesty. Apparently I needed it. Exactly what I need to do so Saturn doesn't punch me in the face!

Kay’s looked deep into my soul with profound accuracy
Kay's style of reading is unique in the way she seems to look deep into my soul with profound accuracy of my situation. She is very confident in her approach which put me at ease! If you're serious about moving forward in your life and need a helping hand to direct you then get a reading! The most helpful thing that Kay shared with me is what it means to be a loving person! Kay's input on how I viewed relationship's opened my eyes.

The most grounded and enlightening reading I've ever received. It was like having a scientist dissect the rhythm of my life
Her explanation of my chart was very easy to understand. She used astrological terminology and then she explained what the terms meant in everyday language. She was also straightforward - compassionate, but not just telling me what I wanted to hear. She was able to explain how I was living out my chart and how I can use my chart to make wise decisions going forward. Kay's reading was the most grounded and enlightening reading I've ever received. It was like having a scientist dissect the rhythm of my life.

Rather than fortune-telling, I received guidance on how to work with situations in my life
Kay helped to clear out the confusion, confirmed what I had been thinking and feeling but presented in a clear, and manageable style. She gave me really helpful and considerate news. Her clarity, passion and intimate knowledge of various astrological deities and their backstories helped me understand what was happening in my life. Rather than fortune-telling, Kay provides helpful guidance on how to work with the situations in your life. If you’re looking for a roadmap, a spiritual GPS to use as support for your journey, a reading with her will give you this.

I can’t explain how she knows what she knows, but she does know.
A reading with Kay is awe-inspiring. I don’t know how she does it. She’s definitely tapping into something potent to be able elucidate my life as she does. She shares very valuable insights which have allowed me to relax into who I am and where I’m going on a deep level. As a recovering scientist I sometimes lapse into skepticism around these sorts of things and again I can’t explain how she knows what she knows, but she does know.

G Kellett
She helped understand my life purpose
Kay helped me to understand why I had just gone through a difficult period in my life, but then took it a step further to explain exactly why it was meant to be, and the blessing it was setting me up for. She hit the nail on the head when she started talking about my life purpose having something to do with talking about relationships: I'm currently writing a digital info product on that exact topic.

Michael G
Her readings feel like magical logic
I really enjoy Kay’s soothing energy, voice and style. Her readings feel like magical logic. My logical mind is appeased by her directness and my dreamer heart is inspired by the possibilities she sees. For me it was how much her reading matched so much of what has been happening for me in my life and journey so far that made it valuable. It was very encouraging. I watched a lot of different readings, readers and debated for a long time before finally deciding to have my first reading be with Kay. It was worth it. You won’t be disappointed imo.

She gave me a context to see my current situation, that helps me move through and beyond this point
She gave me the cheat sheet to navigating difficult transits in my chart. In other words, she gave my clues about how I could approach the difficulties, and what I should and should not do, to make the journey easier, and more beneficial. Thank you for your guidance. I loved your "cheat sheet." I feel like you told me exactly what I needed to hear to move through and beyond the chaos and pain. I sense a purpose now that was missing before. I feel equipped with tools to navigate these waters. If you’re thinking about a reading, just do it. I was skeptical, after having a negative experience with another astrologer. Kay is clearly very knowledgeable and adept at seeing the connections in a chart. I feel so much better after spending an hour with her. She helped me make sense of what was happening in my life, and gave me a direction and tools to move forward. It was money very well spent. I would highly recommend K Moon. She is compassionate and forthright. I feel like a weight has been lifted from me. I really appreciated the way she was able to connect the dots of my chart. There is a great deal of information available on what this planet in this house might signify. But a seasoned, professional astrologer, like Kay can integrate the separate pieces into a cohesive whole. For me, this is one of the benefits you get from having a professional reading your chart. Kay does this with grace and ease. Further, she gave me a direction and actions to deal with the difficulties. She helped me see this as part of my soul's journey. She gave me a context to see my current situation, that helps me move through and beyond this point.

Debbie K
She helped me better understand the timing of my situation
Thank you, I found the reading to be honest and helpful. She helped me better understand the timing of my situation and when I can expect changes. She also provided me with additional resources (a book) to help with understanding a situation. She is very knowledgeable and was able to pull out the answers to my questions from the charts. She is thoughtful and the reading did not feel rushed.

She called attention to the two strongest aspects of my personality that are holding me back, which I was aware of but not placing enough importance on
I appreciate the recording, it will be helpful to be able to listen again for reminders and additional insight in the future. I highly recommend a reading with Kay. Have specific questions, and be honest with yourself about what you're ready to examine and commit to exploring in order to move forward. She called attention to the two strongest aspects of my personality that are holding me back, which I was aware of but not placing enough importance on. She tells it like it is, no sugar coating. Much appreciated!

I really resonate with her way of reading astrology; for once, it wasn’t over my head
It's so eye opening and interesting to see how accurate the astrology is and how incredibly helpful it is. Listen to your intuition. Everything in the reading was very helpful. It all came down to the same thing. Even though she shared about different aspects, the bottom line was the same and triggered something that was necessary for the next steps to unfold -- which they did, and in such a beautiful way. I really resonate with her way of reading astrology. For once, it wasn’t over my head since I'm not very clued up on astrology. I'm able to get a good understanding of what is happening astrologically but also a very clear and helpful insight into my situation. Her energy comes through in her reading and the information as well as how she interpreted it was exactly what I needed to know and in the manner in which I needed to receive it.

Lezel S
I appreciate her sense of humor, she is relatable
I think she is relatable, humorous, and speaks what she thinks and incorporates her opinion on how to work with the daily application of hard transits. I appreciate her sense of humor. I think what I wanted was some grand explanations as to why I felt the way I did and why things were happening the way they were happening in my life, and I think she simplified it down to just taking care of my health and her outlook was simple and easy to follow

Spot on!
You were SPOT ON! Again...I internally feel EVERY single thing that you said from the past 4 years, and even can see 2020 already...and I see the same things you touched on.

She shared high level insights that I continue to reflect on
Kay seemed tapped in, well-studied, and willing to deliver feedback in a straightforward/grounded/even way. Also, she has good phrasing and use of words. She shared high level insights that I continue to reflect on and incorporate as guidance and as they make sense. Although I check everything against my own intuition.

This was a huge breakthrough for me
She confirmed everything I knew, this was a huge breakthrough for me. She was very thorough and very caring. She was not judgemental and explained what she was seeing. To anyone wanting a reading “Be open, give details and be willing to change”

Belinda R
Kay really helped with reinforcing what I needed to work on, in order to excel with the future energies
She has shocked me with the information she knew! I’ve literally said, “How did you know that!?” Hahaha She’s incredible and I highly recommend her. She’s very sensitive and has a helping heart. She really wants us all to succeed and be the best we can be. She is authentic and you can tell she cares about the client. She takes time with helping you understand what she sees, so she can accurately relay the information. She also makes sure you understand the material and takes the time to answer questions! Kay really helped with reinforcing what I needed to work on, in order to excel with the future energies. I enjoyed how Kay is very intelligent and articulate. She is very gifted with communicating what she sees in a compassionate and educational manner. Also, she has a very soothing voice.

The reading was like shining light on the path ahead!!
I just would like to thank her for being patient with my rambling. And being open to help. Thank you for really shining a light on things that were confused in my head!! If you’re thinking about getting a reading, I would say "do it!!" Especially for someone like me that doesn't have a whole lot of people that understand what I'm going through and end up feeling lost and alone at times. She is a great guide!! I think it was making me feel less frustrated about the way forward. And giving me a light at the end of the tunnel, like shining light on the path ahead!! I like the way she sees certain asteroids and planets from a different angle but yet accurate!! I'm used to classic astrology and she amazed me with how these others elements can complement even more!!

Wanda Claudia
She listened to what I asked fully and addressed my questions fully without going on any other tangents
I felt confident in her abilities and her confidence and truth both were palpable and genuine. She listened to what I asked fully and addressed my questions fully without going on any other tangents. This was so appreciated. She was very present. There were multiple things she shared about my current situation(s) and what she saw taking place that helped me. If you are on the fence it might be because you have a little fear in hearing the truth. I can relate because of the fears that showed up in me even just before getting on the call. However, if you are committed to yourself and your higher learning and you truly seek deeper insight than you can get on your own, I highly recommend taking the leap. I have been hoping to find a personal reader for years now, and I feel like I finally found the person I can trust. She also shared some potential other resources which might be helpful in aiding with the healing and clarity I am strongly seeking. Thank you, I am so appreciative of what you are sharing and what you were able to share with me today. I am feeling a sense of excitement and direction again. Looking forward to another reading 🙏❤

m k leighland
Kay can help clarify the foggy spots
She was very knowledgeable and seemed very empathetic and opened to whatever story was presented to her. Also her manner helped me understand a lot of what is happening in my journey and showed me that i have the capability of manifesting this connection into reality. Kay can help clarify the foggy spots in their life/journey. My reading gave me a whole lot in terms of guidance and what my next steps should look like. A very beautiful soul that helped me out a lot in less than an hour😊

I was on the fence but I’m happy I did it
I would say that I was on the fence about getting a reading, but I'm so happy that I did it because now I know what to expect and what to bring to the table next time to have more clarity. Opening up was super emotional. I'm excited to have fun next time. It was reaffirming to hear that right now, the best thing to do is to stick with my initial plan of enjoying the space and time alone and to not distract my awakening process. Basically, I was questioning my intuition. Being able to ask questions and getting feedback based on information shared was a helpful way to get a reading

The reading was very spot-on for my current situation
Kay basically confirmed what I have been feeling for a while. I felt very in tune with her message throughout the reading. I always felt that when it would come to being successful in my life, it would be a process where I would be the one to do it on my own terms. I have been reminded to assert my own power and authority, to not get caught in other's collateral damage, that I truly do have the ability to communicate effectively for myself. It helps to be reminded of this. I have been exiting a phase in my life where I wasn't as confident and my energy has been stifled by others who should not hold a place in my life at the moment. Kay is very helpful and direct in the reading. She is very knowledgeable on what certain areas indicate on your chart. The reading was very spot-on for my current situation and I feel that insight has been granted. Kay's advice is very genuine if you're open to hear it. I think it's very awesome that she provides a recorded copy of the session. I have taken some time to re-listen to the reading, especially since the full moon and partial eclipse just passed. I know that I will continue to visit the recording from time to time to track my progress and to be reminded on what to really focus on.

Kay is very thorough and very precise
My reading with Kay was very thorough and very precise. I appreciated her direct approach. She shared some helpful info about my move upcoming and some great relationship guidance. I definitely recommend it and would say it’s worth your money and time. Her tendency to be detail-oriented in explaining the astrology is VERY appealing to the Virgo in me

Jason, Ray Of Light Tarot
There is a depth and expertise that Kay brings to the reading that is unlike any astrologer I have ever received a reading from
Kay will give you the best astrological reading you have ever had. I really enjoyed our reading and connecting with you. I have been recommending Kay to everyone who will listen! There is a depth and expertise that Kay brings to the reading that is unlike any astrologer I have ever received a reading from. I really enjoyed the background on the mythology and how attentive she was to my specific questions.

She has a straight forward nature, only to make sure she is helping you
Kay encouraged me to let go of things holding me back and gave me and just helped me see the brighter side to my life. Definitely don’t be on the fence! She has a straight forward nature, only to make sure she is helping you work towards anything you want to see change in your life. She’s amazing at what she does and she gives great advice to help you move towards positive changes in your future!

Nicole M
I was not disappointed...she is wise and intuitive...she shared specific timing regarding my soul's purpose
With me, she shared specific timing regarding my personal chart, the collective and moving forward with my soul's purpose. She gave attention to specifics and and the big picture. Gave examples that were helpful in my understanding of what is in front of me and my life path. She answered my questions and acknowledged my current challenges with caring and suggestions to assist me on my journey. Kay is a friendly, bright, kind and professional reader. Detailed and accurate. I scheduled my first reading with her after hearing one of her readings regarding eclipses on YouTube. I was not disappointed...she is wise and intuitive...really awesome reading!

Her explanations were thorough and detailed
This is BRILLIANT. Very different to a psychic reading, it was very exciting to think this is all written in the stars. It was so affirming to get info about myself that I could verify. Kay made it simple and easy to understand, her explanations were thorough and detailed.

The best decision
Truly one of the best decisions I’ve ever made was to get this reading. She treated me like family.

Leslie W
She understood me to a T without having to know me personally
I enjoyed the fact that K Moon used the asteroids and explained the mythological story behind them and their meaning. This was very unique and helped me understand my chart much better! Get your chart read! Everything that you’re going through will be shown on your chart -- no you’re not going crazyyy lol -- it’s all in the ✨ Your experiences, your beginnings and endings, all of it and if something hasn’t taken off yet, it will...Getting your chart read will also help your career-wise, maybe you can do something that you never thought about or have a talent for something that you are doing for free but you can make a business out of it... Get your chart read! You won’t regret it! Trust me! Kayyyyyy readdddd me, understood me to a T without having to know me personally and that’s what was so amazing Blessings To Kay 💙

Kay (with her reading and also personal intuition) has given me more confidence in trusting myself
Kay confirmed a few questions and situations I had been avoiding, so it was great to have that acknowledgement. The chart and Kay's reading also confirmed a lot of things that had been happening recently and gave me better clarity on many things. Kay (with her reading and also personal intuition) has given me more confidence in trusting myself and also to stop procrastinating on a few things. Kay was really clear with her explanations and it felt like I was having a chat with a really interesting friend! Kay takes her time and does not rush through things - making sure you understand at each part. Absolutely no judgment.

When she reads you it feels like she has a personal blueprint to your soul
Honestly the whole reading it's as if she had a personal blueprint into my soul, my heart and my mind. There were so many questions I wanted to ask but I was afraid that it might sound stupid or I just didn't know how to put my thoughts into words. But that doesn't matter when you come to Kay. You really don't have to tell her anything, she answered every single question I wanted to ask and the ones I didn't even know how to put into words. There was so much confirmation for what I’m doing in my life. My reading with Kay gave me so much clarity and most importantly a plan of action that made sense. As an intuitive tarot reader, I don’t trust people to read my energy accurately. But Kay was so inviting and so accurate there wasn’t one thing that didn't resonate. She's truly amazing and knowledgeable at her craft. She's the only person I will go to, to read my chart.

Tori C, Guided Intuition
When I talk to her I go from insecure to confident and focused
Over the course of the last year I’ve worked with Kay at crucial junctions in my work life, and each time I’ve gone from feeling insecure and scattered to feeling confident and focused. Aside from the feel-good aspects of this, I’ve also more than doubled my sales of original artwork in the past year based on her guidance. Needless to say I’m extremely grateful for Kay’s wisdom and guidance and look forward to continuing to work with her.

Laura E
She helped me understand how to navigate the aftermath of difficulties
While reading the chart, Kay commented on very specific experiences from the past few months for which she had no prior knowledge but were accurate to things happening in my life and in my children’s lives. She was also able to help me understand how to navigate the aftermath of those experiences. If you’re on the fence, get the reading.

Kay re-iterated for me what my soul has been telling me for months
What I loved about my reading with Kay is her authenticity. She is very authentic. Kay re-iterated for me what my soul has been telling me for months. She cut right to what I needed to hear most. I knew that she was channeling a separate intelligence when speaking because she literally started bringing things up that I am currently going through immediately. There was no warm up. It was just "BOOM, HERE'S YOUR TRUTH". She was spot on with everything she said. I can't emphasize enough how gifted Kay is. She is worth every penny.

I did the 30 mins and it felt like I could have used more time
I would highly recommend this reading, but I would even suggest trying to book for an hour. I did the 30 mins and it felt like I could have used more time discussing other topics with Kay. We discussed the areas I can focus on for the year, and how I can find new ways of approaching it. I really like the way she explains concepts and even gives examples on how to deal with certain aspects. She is very knowledgeable and has a very sweet energy that feels supportive and nonjudgmental, which is great for this type of reading.

I’ve received many astrological readings. Kay is the reader who actually saw me.
She told me what I needed to hear. I must embrace my Virgo north node and incorporate that energy in my life. I need to stand on my own two feet and make the necessary decisions to live my best life. I’ve always enjoyed K’s style. Her energy is full of love. I’ve received many astrological readings. Kay is the reader who actually saw me. She knows exactly how to incorporate tough love when needed. She does so without being harsh, just by being real. She’s not afraid to tell you what you need to hear.

Open Mind
My reading revealed that nothing will change if I do not make the necessary changes in my life. She was very forward and no nonsense. Be prepared to be challenged and keep an open mind.

It’s so much deeper than your sun sign, it tells a story and it’s all so validating
In my reading, the chart revealed a lot of beginnings and endings and she explained that they’re gradual and there is no “wrong”. It’s really illuminating! It goes so much deeper than just comparing your sun sign to the sky, it tells a story and it’s all so validating. I enjoyed her guidance and gentle advice in addition to just reading my chart.

She gave me a helpful guide for a journey packed with loops and curves and not a lot of direction
There are only answers within but Kay provides a supportive, helpful guideline to what has been for me a journey packed with loops and curves and not a lot of direction. Her insights helped tremendously. Giving me the validation of my path and where potentiality lies. She covered so many aspects of growth and change, challenges and insights.

Kay gave me fresh perspective on last year’s events; we have to understand it’s not about predictions, but opportunities
When it comes to astrology, we have to understand it’s not about predictions, but opportunities. Kay gave me a fresh perspective on last year’s events. It aided me in believing my hard work was not in vain and related less to doing and more to “being.” Kay was responsive to questions and indulged my need to know how she read what she read and she shared specific aspects she considered.

Kay gave me straightforward explanations and answers to questions asked.
Kay gave me a very thorough look at how both asteroids and planets are interacting in the chart and straightforward explanations and answers to questions asked. Focusing on the area of career was super helpful, especially knowing that the chart points to continuing what I feel is my mission in life of helping others with social emotional development.

If you need a gut check she will deliver
She is sincere and candid. This is not Sesame Street warm and fuzzy astrology. If you need a gut check she will deliver...An explanation of how the time frame transits work in conjunction with where my natal chart is occurring relative to my intuition...Astrology is like Meteorology...It an emotional weather forecast and everybody wants to know when it rains and when it shines...everything to gain and nothing to lose by getting a reading…

Indecisive Libra
She was so accurate and so comforting. I struggled with the idea of being “selfish” for once, however Kay confirmed this is what I am here right now to look after myself and give myself love. Thank you K, loved it.

You won’t be disappointed. She knows what she is doing and is such a kind soul.
It’s hard to put into words, but there is a sense of calm and genuineness I felt the entire time during my reading. I could feel she is passionate about her skills: purpose / understanding of the charts. I appreciate how she shows the charts and explains the sections as she’s talking about them or how they relate. The guidance. Again, hard to explain in words and everyone’s reading will be different of course. She gave me confirmation and a better understanding of my journey, what has happened, what’s happening and what’s to come. That I’m on the right path/track. Listen to your intuition obviously. If you’re drawn to her channel and feel like you want to learn more about your own chart or you and your person, your journey, clarity and or guidance...you are probably drawn to her and this style of reading for a reason. Go for it! You won’t be disappointed. She knows what she is doing and is such a kind soul. From booking to reading..it was an easy and enjoyable experience.

She encouraged me to be true to my heart, something I’ve struggled with my entire life
The most helpful thing Kay shared with me was encouraging me to be true to my heart. It is something that I've struggled with my entire life. She also confirmed a lot of things I had been feeling intuitively with regards to timing, which has been extremely helpful. Kay's style is down to earth and relatable, which I really enjoy. She's like a doctor with a great bedside manner - but with astrology. :) Kay reads the charts honestly and accurately, and is not afraid to deliver hard truths, but her style exudes empathy and understanding.

Jess L
It gave me an understanding of why certain things keep on happening in my life
She was straight to the point when you asked certain questions :-) and also explained why by showing and explaining your chart. It gave me an understanding of why certain things keep on happening in my life. She also recommended ways to deal with certain situations specifically for me. Just take it as it is, see it as a fun thing. If you have questions ask them, it's up to you to feel if they resonate or not and what you do with that information.

Miss Sunshine
KMoon is excellent at analyzing the information on the chart, translating it into something you can meaningfully understand
We had a good discussion about my biggest life lesson being around surrender and what that means for someone with my personality aspects. Absolutely worth the time and money- if it’s to better understand circumstances, develop deeper understanding of self or a situation. KMoon is excellent at analyzing the information on the chart, translating it into something you can meaningfully understand and then giving recommendations on how to work with this aspect or understanding. It’s practical guidance. KMoon is committed to helping and empowering you by bringing to light the details of the chart and circumstances.

I already knew the information deep down, but she brought it directly into the light so I could no longer run from it
I resonated deeply with everything Kay was reading in my chart. She clearly knows her stuff and delivers the messages with grace and in a supportive way. Especially when the message is more difficult to receive. She has a great way of offering a new perspective and helping you see the positive to each aspect and how to better work with the energies. She really pulled out a major aha moment I needed to realize. I already knew the information deep down, but she brought it directly into the light so I could no longer run from it. This has been life changing for me. I have already referred people to her without hesitation because she is THAT good. The time flies by and is jam packed with so much useful information that can be translated into your daily life. She definitely has a gift and I would highly recommend getting a reading from her. Also, if you happen to be on the Twin Flame journey, she has been the most insightful reader I have met with in order to gain valuable insight along this path. Highly, highly recommend for any TF out there.

Kim Beauchemin
I booked because everytime she speaks I am able to hear what she is saying whereas with other astrologers it's difficult for me to track
Kay is at once very professional and relatable. Her voice is so amazing to listen to--which is one of the reasons I booked because everytime she speaks I am able to hear what she is saying (whereas a lot of other astrologers I listen to it's difficult for me to track). Thank you, Kay, for your service and the love you put into your readings and work! Multiple times she mentioned timings of a partnership being possible and also the timing of a window being open to follow my purpose path most effectively. Kay was able to read my chart and communicate what she saw in an elegant, concise way, and much of what she passed to me resonated deeply.

She also provided advice as to how best to support my boyfriend
My reading revealed that I'm not meant to live where I grew up; it was a feeling she confirmed. She also provided advice as to how best to support my boyfriend during a time of physical and emotional healing. She was calm and informative yet emotionally supportive. She was emphatic about strong perceptions, which I very much appreciated.

Nicole R
Kay’s reading was very detailed and informative in a way that I feel can be transformative
It definitely has been for me! In our time together, we talked about communication and how it is showing up for me in my chart in such a big way. She gave me specific advice and tools to help me have more success in my communication with myself and others. Kay’s reading was very detailed and informative in a way that I feel can be transformative. She has a gentle authority in communicating the charts, she moves through the session with ease and confidence which demonstrates to me her expertise and knowledge as an astrology reader.

Spot On
I’m having some challenging family issues and she provided me with insights and wisdom. Guidance I can easily integrate into my life. Get the reading. She’s spot on

E. Claire
I love that she shared that these are the energies but we still have our free will
A reading with Kay is logical and analytical based on the positioning of planets and charts. In addition to that, she picks up on the central themes and connects them well based on her interpretation and intuition. I love that she shared that these are the energies of the moment based on the forces of the universe, but we still have our free will to make choices. Kay is honest and doesn’t sugarcoat words to make it sound great. You can expect the reading to be straight from her heart.

Her guidance is a combination of divine insight, personal experience & adept research in astrology
Kay is calming & knowledgeable. Her guidance is a combination of divine insight, personal experience & adept research in astrology. My session reminded me to have courage, stay open, grounded & have patience.

Honest and warm at the same time
There was so much detail provided, even despite me choosing the shorter reading time. Kay was informative & professional but open, honest & warm at same time. I found it helpful to know what inner work is required going forward, to optimise my full potential.

I got exactly what I needed even if it may have been difficult to hear
Kay has a very clear, direct approach yet still gentle and encouraging where appropriate. I got exactly what I needed even if it may have been difficult to hear. We talked about purpose and how it can play out. She gave very specific examples of next steps. If you get a reading from anyone, it should be Kay. This reading gave me quite a bit to process and act on. Thank you!

Kay’s super precise and cuts through the fluff
Kay is effortless in her delivery and reading, she has a very well-rounded understanding of how the planetary alignments and transits apply to my specific predicament. She's also super precise and cuts through all of the fluff to tell you exactly what you need to know.

K Bath
Kay understood my essence as a human being, as well as my potential
Kay has the uncanny ability of deconstructing your defining traits as an individual, especially as it relates to what events are unfolding in the present or what will unfold for you in the near future. She has a curious and exploratory manner in which performs her readings. It truly feels as if she knows your essence as a human being, as well as your potential. Overall, it was magical.

Kay is very intuitive, unlike many who will read your chart like a rule book
Kay is really gentle and has a great deal of compassion. She is also intuitive unlike many astrologers who read your chart like a rule book. She guides you through what you’re facing; good or bad. It's a delicate business to read another’s life, and Kay has maturity in her delivery. She has the ability to paint a whole picture with extreme detail.
