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My beloved Twin Flames and Light Workers


Are you doing everything you can to...


Stay positive during a challenging time... but feel like you keep getting hit with new collective tragedies or old unhealed trauma?


Keep going on your journey... but feel stuck with really difficult choices?


Move forward in light and love ... but still feel like you have a long way to go? 


You don’t have to do this alone. There is a guided community where you can share your struggles, and get support.

Join Q & A with K: Mentorship for twins and lightworkers

You might be divinely led to join Q & A with K if... 

If you’re a twin or divine counterpart and you’re ready to have

  • Somewhere to talk about your journey without judgement and with people who “get it”

  • Guided community (and support) for your next next steps (as opposed to an unmonitored Facebook Group)

  • A way to ask questions and get answers via voice (or live chat in case you’re at work or home with family)

If you’re a lightworker and you:  

  • Have Qs about your lightwork (especially if you work in corporate or traditional settings)

  • Want to hear how other lightworkers are getting through this challenging moment and showing up to serve

  • Want to know how to serve with heart and conscience in the middle of an economic meltdown without feeling bad about your rates


  • 3 ninety-minute group Q and A sessions with me

  • 1 ninety-minute group BONUS session 

  • Short (5-10 minute) meditations you can use any time to connect to your higher self (every session will open with these)

  • Mini-teachings on the channeled guidance provided by my guides (10-15) minutes, every session, before Q and A begins

  • Channeled messages from my guides for questions that pertain to the collective

  • Laser coaching for your challenging situations



  • All sessions will be recorded for those who cannot attend live (see FAQ below for more); many people enroll JUST to get the recordings

If you're ready to...

  • Feel the relief of not being alone for one more week

  • Get solid support from someone who’s been there

  • Have a place to center yourself each week 

  • Build community and friendships with people who are on the journey just like you

Join Q & A with K: Mentorship for twins and lightworkers

If you know you need more community and a place to get mentorship, then join now! 

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